Upvote: sample concept catalog entry

Name: Upvote [Item, User]

Purpose: Track relative popularity of items

Also known as: Like

Related concepts:
Reaction (send emotional reaction to author of post)
Recommendation (track user approvals for future recommendations)
Moderate (maintain quality of forum by approving submissions)
Karma (grant privileges to users based on good behavior)
Flag (crowdsource moderation by having users mark bad items)


upvotes, downvotes: Item -> set User  

count: Item -> one Int  
// define count to be the excess of upvotes over downvotes
//  i.count = #i.upvotes - #i.downvotes

rank: Item -> one Int  
// define rank of item defined to be the number of other items that have a larger count
// i.rank = # {j: Item | j.count > i.count}


 upvote (i: Item, u: User)   
  u not in i.upvotes
  i.upvotes += u
  i.downvotes -= u

downvote (i: Item, u: User)   
  u not in i.downvotes
  i.downvotes += u
  i.upvotes -= u

unvote (i: Item, u: User)   
  u in i.(upvotes+downvotes)
  i.upvotes -= u
  i.downvotes -= u 

Operational principle:

after a sequence of upvote and downvote actions,  
if item I i upvoted by more users than item J, and downvoted by fewer users,
then I has a higher rank (smaller number) than J

General notes

Syntax. Since this is the first concept that I’m adding to the
catalog, here are a few notes on the syntax I’m using. This is the structure I use in EOS, but with more formal definitions of the actions. I’m using Alloy-like syntax for expressions and statements, which is hopefully intuitive even to those unfamiliar with Alloy. The state and actions part of the concept model is not new to concept design; it’s just a definition of a state machine activated by atomic actions as you’d find in any formal modeling language (such as TLA+, B, Z, VDM, OCL).

Declarations. The declaration r: A -> B declares a relation from A to B, constrained by any multiplicities (using the keywords one for exactly one, lone for zero or one, some for one or more, and set for zero or more).

Definitions. The count and rank components could be kept up to date by the actions like the other components, but it’s easier to use a standard trick (from abstract specifications) and just define them in terms of the other components. You can think of them as being updated automatically.

Action definitions. Action definitions can include constraints on the pre-state, as well as update statements. For example, in upvote, the first line is a precondition saying that you can’t upvote an item if you’ve already upvoted it. An update statement changes a relation, using +/- for adding and removing tuples. For example, in upvote, the second line says that the set of users associated with the item i in the upvotes relation is increased by u (or, equivalently, the tuple i->u is added to the relation).

Type parameters. The list of types after the name of the concept gives the type parameters. These are types that are polymorphic, and can be bound to other types when the concept is composed. In this case, all the types are parameters. The Item type, for example, may be bound to Comment or Post in another concept, and the User type may be bound to any kind of principal (as the term is used in the security community).

Operational principle. The OP is given informally. As explained in EOS, it’s an archetypal scenario, and unlike use cases, doesn’t need to cover all the functionality (so note that unvote is not mentioned). In this case, it looks a bit pathological because the concept is pretty simple: it basically just counts votes and ranks an item higher if it has more votes.

Design issues

Negative count. This design allows counts of votes to go negative, so if an item is downvoted more times than it is upvoted, further downvotes may continue to affect its rank. An alternative is to define count to have a minimum of zero (even if the number of downvotes is still tracked implicitly).

Unvote as own action. In some deployments, you may use downvote to let a user reverse their upvote action instead of unvote, but this won’t work if downvoting is limited (eg, by Karma) to certain users (as in Hacker News).

Computing rank from count. In this simple version, the rank directly reflects the count. This is how comments in the NYTimes are ranked, for example. Variants of this concept use other data to compute rank; in Hacker News, for example, the rank of a post is computed from the number of points, the post’s age, and other factors.

Preventing double voting. This design prevents a user from voting twice on a single item. In practice, this requires either tracking the identity of the user (eg, with session tokens), or by using a proxy for the user, such as the IP address, MAC address or browser id.

Visibility. Usually only the count relation (and not the upvotes and downvotes relations) is made visible, so users cannot see who voted for an item. For Facebook “likes”, usernames are visible, but that can be seen as an artifact of combining the Upvote concept with the Reaction concept.

Eventual consistency. Getting exact counts is generally not required, so common implementations scale by not requiring strong consistency. This means that a user who upvotes an item will generally see that item’s count increase, but may not see the effect of a simultaneous (or even earlier) upvote from another user until later.

Known uses. Universally used in all social media apps, typically for posts and comments. Facebook combines the Upvote, Reaction and Recommendation concepts into a single “Like” concept, with some confusing outcomes (for example, that an angry reactions counts as an upvote).

Synchronizations. Commonly synchronized with authoring concepts (such as Comment and Post), and with Karma (where an upvote may be synchronized with a reward action, so that a user needs to obtain some number of upvotes before reaching a certain karma level).


I’ve posted this as an example of what a concept catalog entry might look like. Comments and suggestions about this particular concept welcome, as well as ideas about the general form. I’m not an expert on upvoting, so it would be great to hear from someone who is!

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